Why lead a pilgrimage?
Faithful Christians long for opportunities to deepen their faith. They want to connect with long faith traditions. They want to connect with each other in a faith context.
As a Tour Leader, you have the holy privilege of creating this opportunity. People might travel all over the world alone or as a couple, but they won’t experience the faith changing impact of a pilgrimage led by their faith leader.
Why lead a pilgrimage?
Create an opportunity for people in your faith community to experience places they have always wanted to, but never felt comfortable traveling to alone.
Create an opportunity for your faith community to draw closer to one another and to God.
Create an opportunity to create memories with the people they see every week at worship.
Steps to leading a pilgrimage:
12-18 Months:
Work with Good Shepherd to choose travel dates and itinerary
GST provides Brochures, Posters, Registration Website to begin inviting people
Your passion inspires: Keep Inviting People!
10-14 Months:
Work with GST to offer Informational meetings in person or on Zoom (Good Shepherd Representative can join these)
4-8 Months:
Gather the group: review spiritual aspects of the pilgrimage
1-2 Months:
Host a final meeting for travel related questions
After you return home:
Share your stories and pictures
Host gatherings with your faith community
Be ready to plan your next pilgrimage
Want to lead your own pilgrimage? Leaders can Fill out the Faith Leader Application form to get started. Already filled it out? We are so excited to find the right trip for you.