Holy Land Tours | Good Shepherd Travel

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This was a most excellent trip. I would love to sign up again

This was a most excellent trip. I would love to sign up again if it comes available in the future. It was awesome, life changing. beautiful in many ways. Our Guide Ramse was excellent. George was the photographer and became an important part of our tour also. yes it was physically demanding but I was able to meet the demand.

I'm glad that we did Jerusalem first and sea of Galilee the last part. I am still processing every day in my mind the thing we saw and experienced. It made the bible come alive for me. I have already told anyone who would ask to definitely do this if you have the chance. it is more then worth it.

I am one of the ones who loved the food so this would not need to be changed as far as I was concerned. Some had difficulty but they I guess were not ready for this part of the trip.

Thank you for arranging this trip. The hotels were great (you might warn Americans to bring a wash cloth as these were not available) . The bus was and driver were just right.

Thank you again for arranging this trip, the guides, the buss and photographer. Excellent. We cant wait to get out DVD's of the trip. Love to everyone in Israel.