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Golan Heights

10 Fun and Surprising Facts about the Golan Heights

The Golan Heights, located in Israel’s northern region, is surrounded by Mt. Hermon to the north, Lebanon to the north-west, Syria to the east and Jordan to the south. In addition to being an important strategic location, the Golan Heights is one of the best places to stop on your Holy Land tour and experience a fabulous view of the entire area. It is home to several Christian and Jewish sites, and is a place full of things to do. Below are 10 fun (and perhaps surprising) facts about the Golan Heights.

1. The Golan Heights was referred to as Bashan in the Bible.

2. The location was a contested area in biblical times as well as modern times. (This is due to its strategic location on a major thoroughfare.)

3. Today Israel occupies and administers the western two-thirds of the Golan, while Syria controls the eastern one-third.

4. The ceasefire line between Israel and Syria is called “The Purple Line.” (Ceasefire signed in 1974.)

5. Mt. Bental in the Golan Heights provides a view of the entire area, including southern Syria and its capital, Damascus.

6.  It is the only part of Israel with basalt stones. From the top of the heights one can see the volcanic hills on the eastern edge and basalt cliffs to the south and west.

7.  The mountains in the north are a key source of water for Israel.

8.  Israel’s only ski resort is located on Mt. Hermon in the Golan.

9. Cowboy ranches can be found in the Golan where one can take a horseback ride overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

10. Other things to do include visiting a deer reserve, picking seasonal fruit in an orchard, and visiting wineries.

To learn more about the Golan Heights, see:





The Golan Heights is a great place to add to your Holy Land Tour itinerary.